The Process

Well, you might know me somehow, or you’ve been referred by someone.

I seem ok, and you’re finding what I do interesting. You’ve probably done the online background check, and now you’re interested.

The next thing you’d do is make contact and we’d move through the following steps:

1. Assess – see if we’d work well together:

  • Why you made contact with me
  • How you think I might be able to help
  • Specifically what you’re looking for
  • My service: what I do and don’t do
  • Our viability – are we good fit?

2. Design – once we decide to work together, it’s time to scope the project:

  • Establish the purpose for the coaching, including goals
  • Plan how we want to best work together
  • Agree on how we’ll evaluate our work
  • Clarify expectations, roles & conditions for success
  • House keeping stuff

3. Explore – once we’ve set up our destination & parameters we get into it:

  • Targeted conversations for each session, as part of the overall project
  • Allowing new awareness, insights and clarity to arise
  • Generate ideas, solutions & practical actions
  • Create strategies
  • Consolidate our learning as we go

4. Evaluate – of course we check in on progress and how it’s all going:

  • Your progress in relation to your goals and purpose
  • Our working relationship: what to keep, stop and start
  • Overall learnings: bigger picture, personal, transferrable

5. Repeat – as required, our relationship is completely adjustable :

  • We might repeat all of the above, or part
  • Completely dependant on each situation
  • Time frames for this process will vary

Interested in the option of working together, while moving in the outdoors? Just ask me how.

For more information on how I can help, please don’t hesitate to contact me. 

Email [email protected] or alternatively via the form.

Be Warned: By sending this enquiry form and possibly beginning a process, there’s a risk that things will get better. 

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