
Are you on this professional spectrum?

This be could be profound, or it could be bleedingly obvious. One person’s treasure is another’s trash.

As a practitioner, like you, I take notice how other practitioners do their thing, how they present themselves publicly, what they choose to emphasise and how they message it.

One of the things I observe, is what I assess as a bias. A preference. Where their attention is at in what they do, what they are immersed in currently, or what they feel is most important to address etc. etc.

So cutting to the chase through this chosen lens, I observe “newer” practitioners focus on technical knowledge, definites and absolutes, tips and techniques, and distinct skills – that actually all change over time. “Older” operators tend toward more the more stable elements, deeper human values to leverage, the greyness of it all, and sustainably tried and true approaches. For example:

“Newer” practitioner: “There’s a better system than this”
“Older” practitioner: “It starts with trust”

Without reflecting on this for 50 years to distill and articulate perfect wisdom, I’ve tried to describe the 2 types above without favouritism. Forgive me if it feels I haven’t.

And the thought that comes up for me is, if we can live the value of being “behaviourally flexible in order to be situationally effective”, holding both these approaches (plus the infinite other approaches), or at least an openness to all approaches, it would be huge!

What do you see in newer and older professionals?