RiderFire is the cycling program of my coaching business. It unlocks the passion and performance of people who love to ride bikes. Road, Tri, Track, MTB, CX, GX – whatever you’re into.

Ignite your passion if you’re a keen rider. Re-ignite your potential if you’re an experienced racer.

Line up your head and heart with your legs, and ignite the possible.

“Not only did you help me understand how to control my thoughts while racing, but also you helped me find the passion again in my racing. You were able to help me to race on instincts again, instil that inner self belief to allow myself to race for the win. In my eyes it was a huge step last year in my career.”
Mitch Docker
World Tour Professional – Orica-Scott

1. Experienced, but dissatisfied racers, wanting more from their racing

Have you been in the game a while, but the magic’s slowed? Are you increasingly having distracting thoughts, and unanswered questions that never used to be there? Do you want it to be better than this, but you’re not sure how?

I work with racers like you who’ve got the experience and a decent track record, but for whatever reason, it’s not working. We connect you back into your full potential by pinpointing exactly what you want, clearing any blockages, and ensuring full confidence to get the most out of yourself.

How would it feel for the noise, pressure and stress to be gone? Imagine racing with a deep purpose; feeling easily focused and pumped! How good would it be having 100% belief in what you’re doing, knowing nothing’s missing?

Take back control of your racing and potential.

“Scott has done more for my bike racing, training and general thought patterns than he knows. It’s changed the way I race and why I race. Also big thanks for our off topic shit talking mate, it does wonders.”
Todd Cuthbert
National Mountainbike & Cyclocross event winner

2. Keen, but frustrated riders, wanting more time for the bike

Are you not getting out enough, and haven’t got the legs when you do? Do you feel that riding, family, work etc, it’s all too much and just doesn’t fit?  Is it fair to say you’re a bit resigned now, and your hope’s been fading?

I work with riders like you, who know how good things are when they’re riding regularly, but life seems to be getting in the way and even draining spare energy to ride. Together we recognise all the priorities and demands in your life, create your ideal riding and life situation, and work on habits that keep everyone happy.

What would it be like to be riding with more panache, more often, and dragging around a little less weight to boot? Imagine the parts of your life meshing better, to the point where it starts flowing! How would you feel knowing that riding’s become the catalyst for everything in your life to be better?

Ride how you want, without burning everything else.

“It’s your mix of movement, reflection, intention, connection, and testing capability…. and just doing shit that’s good for you.”
Cameron Schwab
Founder, DesignCEO

If you’ve got this far I’m assuming you’re keen to either perform better or get more out of your riding. How much longer are you going to hope this thing will fix itself?

Let’s ride and/or have a chat and see what we could do together… No charge but the coffee’s on you 🙂
Contact me below.

“Simply nobody in my 25 years experience, integrates mind and body into performance and deep fun, as well as Scott”
Darren Welch
Career performance coach & owner of Solobike Tours

Email [email protected] or use the form just here.

Disclaimer: Addressing your issue may result in an uncontrollable habit of being on your bike more and more. 

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