If I said to you it’s possible to combine fun, laughter, competitiveness, skill, courage, deep learning, improvement, creativity in a very natural and efficient way, AND get hard-edged, measurable change in capacity and resultant beliefs, would you be curious? Bloody oath you would!
This could be a game changer.
One the most influential factors in both performance and life, and of course cycling, is what we believe is possible for us.
Sometimes approaching those possibilities in a completely different way, is more effective than thinking about what we believe, and then trying to change them. i.e. By repeatedly going to the edge of your experience and capacity, you give your beliefs a chance to change “after the fact”.
So for those who’d like take this a bit further, watch the video (it’s 27 mins but after about 10-15 you’ll get the picture Id’ say, if indeed you can pull yourself away from it), and then come back here and answer these 2 questions below:
- What capacity/ skill/ area/ belief etc would you be interested in changing, and how might you set up a activity like in the video that integrates the elements I listed above, to explore what’s possible for you?
- And why might it be worth bothering with this approach at all?