
What Story Have You Been Telling?

*This is the 1st of a series of 3 pieces. They’re chronologically linked, but can be read as standalone articles if chosen. Here’s Part 2 and Part 3  The internal self-talk was pretty bad. “This is so shit.”  “It doesn’t make sense. I prepared so well.”  “I know it’s normal to be challenged, but this fucked”. 

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Better Than Ever Before: Deep Learning Through Play

If I said to you it’s possible to combine fun, laughter, competitiveness, skill, courage, deep learning, improvement, creativity in a very natural and efficient way, AND get hard-edged, measurable change in capacity and resultant beliefs, would you be curious? Bloody oath you would! This could be a game changer. One the most influential factors in

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THE TIME TRIALING MIND – Generating High Performance Ways of Being.

“TTs are about power to pedal, but mental strength is what can affect and impact on power application, in particular the ability to push into the red and hold it there. Gaining a mental ‘edge’ is a skill to learn and takes practise, practise and more practise.” – Felicity Wardlaw. CONTEXT From any viewpoint, the

THE TIME TRIALING MIND – Generating High Performance Ways of Being. Read More »