Living & Learning

What Story Have You Been Telling?

*This is the 1st of a series of 3 pieces. They’re chronologically linked, but can be read as standalone articles if chosen. Here’s Part 2 and Part 3  The internal self-talk was pretty bad. “This is so shit.”  “It doesn’t make sense. I prepared so well.”  “I know it’s normal to be challenged, but this fucked”. 

What Story Have You Been Telling? Read More »

The Process of Change, and How You Can Get There

If you’re on a phone use the reading font option and just zoom the images as required. This post has 4 parts: Setting the Scene The Process of Change It’s Not All Beer & Skittles The Takeaway Message Setting the Scene People in life, sport, and business, use qualified professional coaches to assist them with

The Process of Change, and How You Can Get There Read More »