
Scott loves all things development, improvement, learning and performance that lead to a fulfilling life. His mission is to collaborate with people to explore what's possible for them, and create magical moments and meaningful memories.

Better Than Ever Before: Deep Learning Through Play

If I said to you it’s possible to combine fun, laughter, competitiveness, skill, courage, deep learning, improvement, creativity in a very natural and efficient way, AND get hard-edged, measurable change in capacity and resultant beliefs, would you be curious? Bloody oath you would! This could be a game changer. One the most influential factors in

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Expectations in Performance

I’ve been watching a RedbullTv doco show on the Mountain Bike Enduro World Series. It’s a pretty good insight into the racing, competitors and challenges.  Anyway the series narrator dramatically comes out with this one: “Expectation, the internal belief that you’ll achieve something…..But despite our planning and preparation, things don’t always go our way, do

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The Process of Change, and How You Can Get There

If you’re on a phone use the reading font option and just zoom the images as required. This post has 4 parts: Setting the Scene The Process of Change It’s Not All Beer & Skittles The Takeaway Message Setting the Scene People in life, sport, and business, use qualified professional coaches to assist them with

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THE TIME TRIALING MIND – Generating High Performance Ways of Being.

“TTs are about power to pedal, but mental strength is what can affect and impact on power application, in particular the ability to push into the red and hold it there. Gaining a mental ‘edge’ is a skill to learn and takes practise, practise and more practise.” – Felicity Wardlaw. CONTEXT From any viewpoint, the

THE TIME TRIALING MIND – Generating High Performance Ways of Being. Read More »